
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

There is no silver bullet for wiping out a bed bug infestation. The most effective approach is an Integrated Pest Management strategy also known as IPM. IPM combines several techniques, tools, and products, as well as changes in human behavior. It requires the support of everyone in the home and property owners and neighbors working together. Below are some of the tools we have at our disposal that could be part of your IPM plan.

Professional Treatment

Once you have confirmed bed bugs or even if you haven't been able to but still suspect them, it is recommended to get professional help. Fighting bed bugs on your own is a daunting task and if not done correctly, could actually spread the bugs and make them more difficult to eradicate. Yes, it is not cheap to hire a professional but it is well worth the cost since a thorough treatment will entail multiple visits and applications.


If you rent, it is the landlord's responsibility to arrange for professional treatment so you need to contact them or the property manager sooner than later. Do not be embarrassed or try to hide the problem as it will just get worse. They should appreciate being notified as soon as possible so that the infestation can be contained before it is even more costly and difficult to remove. They cannot hold you accountable for the infestation as it is impossible to prove where it came from, especially in an apartment with multiple units. All neighboring units should be inspected and possibly treated as a preventative measure. If the landlord refuses to treat or expects you to pay for the treatment, be sure to check your state laws as many protect renters in that situation. In extreme cases where renters or neighbors are non-cooperative to treatment and no resolution seems in sight, you may consider moving out of that bad situation but you'll have to follow the guidelines under the section, "Moving with bed bugs" (coming soon).

Self treatment

If you own your home and just can't afford professional treatment or your landlord refuses to treat and you can't move, you may find yourself in a situation where you are on your own. Don't despair. Do-it-yourself extermination is possible but will require persistence, dedication, and lots of patience. The more you educate yourself, the better your odds for success.

Tools for Fighting Bed Bugs

We have several tools available to us in our arsenal with which we can beat the bugs. This list will describe each one and explain how they are used.

See the List