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Where you can find all of the information you would need to survive a bed bug infestation. From confirming you are dealing with them, knowing where to look for them, and how to fight them. Just as importantly, you can find suggestions and support to cope with the psychological trauma that many suffer from an experience with bed bugs and how to prepare and prevent future encounters.

Bug Facts

Everything you ever wanted to know or didn't want to know about bed bugs.

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Suggestions for how to prepare for professional treatment and what to expect. And advice for do-it-yourself treatment if you have to fight them on your own.

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Mental Health

The anxiety of bed bugs can take its toll on us during the fight and affect us emotionally long after its over.

How to Cope


Information on products used for treatment and monitoring. Find out how they work and which ones that could actually make things worse.

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The 4 Signs of Bed Bugs

Before you start any treatment, you need to confirm that you have bed bugs. There are 4 definitive signs that can give you the proof that you need to take the next steps.

See the List